
Music of Ursula Mamlok, Vol. 2

$ 14.99

Volume 1 of this series (BRIDGE 9291) presented orchestral, chamber and vocal works. Volume 2 concentrates on the more intimate side of the 86 year old German/American composer's output, featuring solo works for violin, clarinet, piano and guitar. However, Volume 2 also ranges widely, from piano miniatures played by Garrick Ohlsson, to the sparkling song cycle Der Andreas Garten, based on husband, Dwight Mamlok's poems; from the impeccably crafted set of guitar intermezzi to Mamlok's early experimental study for electronic tape, composed at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center in New York. Mamlok, who was a student of George Szell, Stefan Wolpe and Ralph Shapey, writes elegant music- compositions which speak with concision and musicality.



“It would be invidious to single out any of the many performers on this disc; all are excellent and one cannot imagine better performances of this music.” - Fanfare


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Ursula Mamlok

Sintra (1969)
Claire Chase, alto flute, David Eggar, cello

Polyphony I (1968)
Allen Blustine, clarinet

Wild Flowers (1987)
David Bowlin,violin

Der Andreas Garten (1987)
Rebecca Jo Loeb, mezzo-soprano, Tara Helen O'Connor, flutes, June Han, harp

Sculpture I (1965)
Garrick Ohlsson, piano

Love Song of Two Pigeons (1991 rev. 1993)
Garrick Ohlsson, piano

Five Intermezzi (1984?1990)
Daniel Lippel, guitar

Two Bagatelles (1961)
Daedalus Quartet

From My Garden (1983)
David Bowlin, violin

Suite (1960)
David Bowlin,violin, Jacob Greenberg, piano

Sonar Trajectory (1966)
electronic tape


Related discs:

9457, 9361A/B, 9360, 9291
