

Bridgecast - Episode 1 - National Sawdust concert - featuring David Starobin

Welcome to the pilot episode of the BridgeCast! This episode features an interview with David Starobin, discussing the music that he and guitarist Robert Belinić will be performing on January 31, 2016 at National Sawdust in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (2:00 PM). Tickets are $25, and can be purchased at Music featured on the podcast includes:Wenzeslaus Matiegka's Sonata in e minor, Op. 31, No. 4 played by David Starobin (unedited recording)Fernando Sor's Souvenir de Russie played by David Starobin and Oren Fader, previously released on A Song from the East (BRIDGE 9004). Our theme music is Say That Again by Paul Lansky,...

Spotlight on Paul Lansky

Tags Paul Lansky, Spotlight On

Followers of Bridge's releases during the past three decades will notice that we have released more Paul Lansky discs than any other composer (with the exception of our "complete" George Crumb Edition).  My fascination with Paul's music began when he sent us what would become "Homebrew" (BRIDGE 9035).  The music on the disc appealed to me on a number of levels, not the least of which was Paul's very fresh view of harmony.  Who could resist the dreamlike atmosphere of Night Traffic's highway of ghost-like chords, hurtling past us and disappearing into a neon horizon?  I certainly couldn't, and knew I had found a...

Review roundup

Gramophone (UK) reviews David Starobin's New Music with Guitar, Vol. 9 Avant Music News reviews David Starobin's New Music with Guitar, Vol. 9 Phil Muse's June reviews for the Audio-Video Club of Atlanta include BRIDGE 9448: Cavatina at the Opera and BRIDGE 9442: Convergences Phil Muse's May reviews for the Audio-Video Club of Atlanta include BRIDGE 9443: Edward Burlingame Hill Paul Lansky concert reviewed on New York Classical Review

Just wrapped mastering on Paul Hindemith's The Long Christmas Dinner

Yesterday we finished up work on a recording of the Paul Hindemith/Thornton Wilder opera, "The Long Christmas Dinner". This will be the premiere recording of it in English (Wilder's original libretto). The opera (Hindemith's last) is my idea of a masterpiece- dramatically engaging, brilliantly paced, and full of some of Hindemith's most inspired music. We'll have it out on July 1.

George Perle at 100

Alex Ross writes about George Perle's Centennial on his blog:Perle at 100 Centennial concerts were given in New York, Chicago, Mt. Kisco and Seattle. A further Centennial concert is scheduled for Thursday May 21st at the New York Public Library George Perle Recordings on Bridge Shop this Collection
