Bridge Baroque Christmas

Arcangelo Corelli: Op. 5 Violin Sonatas

$ 14.99

This complete recording of Corelli's magnificent Op. 5 violin sonatas is performed by Trio Corelli of Denmark on period instruments. The set is offered at a reduced price of two discs for the price of one. Opus 5, 12 Suonati a violino e violone o cembalo,was published in Rome in 1700. It contains six church sonatas and six chamber sonatas. The church sonatas represent a more serious and solemn style, while the chamber sonatas consist mainly of preludes and dance movements. One of the many editions of Op. 5 appeared in 1710 in Amsterdam. It included coloratura embellishment to the slow movements of the church sonatas which originally were presented rather plainly and simply. These embellishments were possibly composed by Corelli himself. No less than seven different versions of embellishments dating from the 18th century are known, among which the Dubourg and Geminiani versions are the most famous. The embellishments of the church sonatas believed to originate from Corelli are used on this recording. The chamber sonatas were not adorned by Corelli's own hand, but Trio Corelli adds embellishments in keeping with the tradition of the day. An exception is Sonata No. 9, where the group uses Geminiani's version, a perfect example of how these sonatas continued to inspire future generations of Corelli's students.


"The often lavish and warm-hearted character of Corelli’s oeuvre is well displayed by these performances of the twelve op.5 sonatas, featuring violinist Elisabeth Zeuthen Schneider, a professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Music and a versatile artist who has recorded music from the Baroque to modern Danish repertoire." - The Strad

“It’s hard to exhaust the repertoire of superlatives in recommending the Trio Corelli’s set: ‘urgent,’ ‘strong,’ ‘enthusiastic,’ ‘warm,’ and ‘hearty’ seem necessary but insufficient, even in combination. Maybe the word should be ‘inspiring,’ one I hardly ever use.” - Fanfare

“This is an outstanding recording. Bridge Records is to be congratulated on a most impressive achievement.” - SoundBoard


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Arcangelo Corelli: 12 Suonati a violino e violone o cimbalo (6 sonate da chiesa and 6 sonate da camera for violin and continuo), Op. 5 (1700) performed by Trio Corelli: Elisabeth Zeuthen Schneider, violin; Viggo Mangor, archlute; Ulrik Spang-Hanssen, organ continuo

BRIDGE 9371A/B (two discs for the price of one)
