Bridge Records Catalog

Tibetan Buddhism
Shartse College of Ganden Monastery

$ 14.99
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Billboard Music Award Winner



“A recording of such stunning realism that it ought to be pressed into service as a demo.” - Fanfare

“Congratulations to David Lewiston and Bridge Records for issuing this recording of ritual chanting by the monks of Ganden Monastery’s Shartse College. A worthwhile endeavor if you want to get down deep.” - EAR Magazine of New Music

“Equally bizarre in the short middle track, which features strange hocketing melody, and the long finale, where crashing cymbals and blaring horns punctuate the monks’ subterranean rhythms with exclamation points. Whether as a conversation piece or as a path to enlightenment, it’s an experience not to be missed.” - OPTION



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Choe khyong Setab pai torbul kagyama (The Sealed-for Secrecy Torma Offering to the Dharma Protector Setab)

Kabsumpa (The Three Occasions, tribute to the Buddha by Tsongkhapa)

Jigje kyi dagjub chenmo (The Grand Self-Empowerment of Yamantaka)

Shartse College of Ganden Monastery
Ven Lobsang Tenzin, chant master

Recorded on location in South India

