Chamber music

Dan Visconti: Lonesome Roads

$ 14.99

"Lonesome Roads" is the first full-length CD of music by the 30-year old American, Dan Visconti (b. 1982). Annotator Daniel Felsenfeld writes: "Lonesome Roads is a nod to the American century. The grit and vernacular of the M­­­inimalists can be found in the bassoon solo called Ramble and Groove, and the blues-soaked string quartet Black Bend; the raw, unfettered beauty of the Neo-Romantics is in the plainspun prettiness of Lawless Airs; and the compositional rigor and adherence to lofty notions of the High Modernists is in the opening movements of Fractured Jams. And there are pieces, like Low Country Haze or Lonesome Roads that either meld or ignore these mostly obsolete distinctions for music that is just plain rapturous to hear." Performances are by members of the Berlin Philharmonic and the Horszowski Trio.



“Played by the Horszowski Trio, Lonesome Roads gives the oft-separated styles of modernism and folk-form a reason to hang together. In Visconti’s telling, the two get along famously. And it’s easy to want to join up for the ride.” - WQXR


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Dan Visconti: Lonesome Roads
performed by the Scharoun Ensemble Berlin of the Berlin Philharmonic
Michael Hasel, conductor (all works expect Lonesome Roads)
and the Horszowski Trio

Black Bend (2003) (string quintet)
Lawless Airs (2008) for violin and harp
Ramble and Groove (2009) for bassoon
Hard-Knock Stomp (2000) for viola
Drift of Rainbows (2009) for chamber ensemble and delay unit
Fractured Jams (2006) for violin, clarinet, cello and piano
Remembrances (2008) for cello and piano
Low Country Haze (2009) for chamber orchestra
Lonesome Roads (2012) for piano, violin and cello

