
Sacred Music - The Music of Yehudi Wyner, Vol. 2

$ 14.99

Bridge's "Music of Yehudi Wyner, Vol. 2" (BRIDGE 9282) received a 2009 Grammy nomination. This new recording presents the composer's own performances of works spanning nearly four decades. Mr. Wyner writes: "this recording fulfills a long held wish: to assemble most of my liturgical music in performances that reflect my ideas about the essential thrust of each work. In an effort to connect with the spirit of ancient culture, with reference to many regional practices of Ashkenazic, Chassidic, Moroccan, Tripolitanian and Babylonian Jews, I sought a convincing way to fuse the ancient with the modern. There is so much in the ancient sacred texts that conveys the impression of a culture under extreme pressure, with the need to express thoughts and feelings with great intensity and to lament or exult in prayer and prophecy. The language is full of alliteration and internal rhyme, often displaying explosive compression and irregular rhythm."



“Joshua Breitzer is a fine cantorial soloist with a nice voice and a spiritually-charged delivery. If you have an interest in sacred music, don’t hesitate.” - American Record Guide


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Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs) (2001) (S.A. version)
Wellesley College Choir
Susan Davenny Wyner, conductor

Torah Service (1966)
Joshua Breitzer, cantor
New York Virtuoso Singers
Yehudi Wyner, conductor

Shir Hashirim (2001) (S.A.T.B. Version)
New York Virtuoso Singers
Yehudi Wyner, conductor

Friday Evening Service (1963)
Joshua Breitzer, cantor
New York Virtuoso Singers
Yehudi Wyner, conductor


Related Wyner discs:

9406, 9282, 9134
