
Jerome Lowenthal: Tchaikovsky - Music for Piano and Orchestra

$ 14.99

This marvelous two disc set brings back into the catalog Jerome Lowenthal's superb readings of all four of the works that Tchaikovsky wrote for piano and orchestra. The recordings focus on Tchaikovsky's original, uncut scores in virtuoso performances by Lowenthal, accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra, directed by the late Sergiu Comissiona. The recordings, made in the late 1980s, were originally released on Arabesque. Both discs have been re-mastered for this release by Grammy-winning engineer, Adam Abeshouse.



“This set is a fine tribute to one of America’s unsung heroes of the piano.” - BBC Music Magazine

“Excellent remastering and a twofer price add to the attractiveness of this release and make it easily recommendable.” - Fanfare

“The performances are uniformly enjoyable, in a warm and good-natured way, with excellent contributions by the London Symphony. And even if you have a set or two of these works already, the curiosity factor of hearing Tchaikovsky’s original thoughts will carry weight; the alternate ending to the first half of the Concert Fantasy alone represents nearly five minutes of first class music which, for now, cannot be heard anywhere else.” - MusicWeb International


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Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23 (original version, 1875)
Concert Fantasy in G major, Op. 56 (1884) (complete recording, with alternative second ending)
Piano Concerto No. 2 in G major, Op. 44 (original version, 1880)
Piano Concerto No. 3 in E-flat major, Op. 75 (original version, 1893)

Jerome Lowenthal, piano

London Symphony Orchestra
Sergiu Comissiona, conductor

BRIDGE 9301A/B (two discs for the price of one)
