Symphonic Holiday

Charles Wuorinen: Eighth Symphony, Fourth Piano Concerto

$ 14.99

In 2004, James Levine became Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Levine immediately began to commission major new works from leading American composers, including the two works recorded here. Wuorinen's Fourth Piano Concerto, written for the BSO, James Levine, and longtime Wuorinen collaborator Peter Serkin, was one of the first of the BSO commissions Levine conducted with the orchestra, in 2005. This was followed two years later by the Eighth Symphony (Theologoumena), a BSO 125th anniversary commission premiered under Levine's direction in 2007. These spectacular recordings document the premiere performances of both of these works.



The sound is vibrant and vivid, the playing top notch. An easy recommendation even for those not normally on the Wuorinen train—he just might speak to you here.” - Audiophile Audition

The more I listen to these splendid scores, the more I’m won over by the richness of the music. Levine’s inspirational conducting, achieving flawless ensemble and precision is a winning element. Peter Serkin’s committed performance and confident playing serves the music well.” - MusicWeb International

There is no not loving Charles Wuorinen: many, many thanks to Bridge for this exhilarating cycle.” - posi+ive feedback

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Eighth Symphony (Theologoumena)
Fourth Piano Concerto

Peter Serkin, piano
Boston Symphony Orchestra
James Levine, conductor


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