Brian Ferneyhough: Music for Flute

$ 14.99

This recording presents the complete flute music of the British composer, Brian Ferneyhough. These remarkable compositions set a new standard for flute players. One that requires the comprehension of a highly developed notation which present technical complexities that have no equal in the world of classical flute music. The performances on this CD are approved by the composer (a rarity!) who worked for several years with Icelandic flute virtuoso Kolbeinn Bjarnason on the interpretation of these compositions. The music ranges from the ear-opening Superscriptio for piccolo to the incredibly sensual Mnemosyne, for bass flute solo, with 8 bass flutes accompanying. Ferneyhough's reputation for writing the impossible is dispelled by the concentrated musicality of Bjarnason's uncommonly fine flute playing.

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Brian Ferneyhough

Four Miniatures (1965)
Cassandra's Dream Song (1970)
Unity Capsule (1975-1976)
Superscriptio (1981)
Carceri d'Invenzione IIb (1984)
Mnemosyne (1986)

Kolbeinn Bjarnason, flute
Valgerdur Andrésdóttir, piano


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