Music of Justin Dello Joio

$ 14.99

This recording presents first recordings of three recent compositions by the American composer Justin Dello Joio. John Corigliano writes that "Justin Dello Joio is a born composer- a real musician with a sparkling craft who has something urgent to say in his works, and the ability to say it. In an age when so much contemporary music seems dictated by its technologically sophisticated means, it is wonderful to hear music that is composed completely by ear, mind and heart." Performed by four superb virtuosi, the performances heard on these recordings provide vibrant realizations of the music of an exciting new voice in contemporary music. Writing about Dello Joio's Trio, John Corigliano says that the work "demonstrates Dello Joio's ability to forge a large shape that is clear, and meaningful while providing subtle and remarkable details along the way. Not a note is wasted in Dello Joio's music. It is concise yet expansive, detailed yet unified, intellectual yet dramatic." Justin Dello Joio is the 7th generation of composer in the Dello Joio family, the son of the well-known Norman Dello Joio. A student of Persichetti, Sessions and Diamond at Juilliard, he has received numerous awards and has composed a large catalog of works ranging from solo through orchestral, and recently, opera.

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“Ani Kavafian, Jeremy Denk, and Carter Brey obviously relish the challenges that Dello Joio serves up, and they bring plenty of energy and nuance to the interpretive table. Excellent sound and notes further distinguish this fine release.” -

“From smart, enjoyable compositions, informative notes, and first-rate performances, this is definitely an album to be added to any collection.” - AllMusic (Mike D. Brownell)


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Justin Dello Joio

Two Concert Etudes (2001)
Garrick Ohlsson, piano

Music for Piano Trio "The March of Folly" (2006)
Ani Kavafian, violin; Carter Brey, violoncello
Jeremy Denk, piano

Sonata for Piano (1987, rev. 2005)
Garrick Ohlsson, piano

