Hermine Haselböck sings three Mahler song cycles

$ 14.99

The Austrian mezzo-soprano, Hermine Haselböck, winner of the Vienna Musikverein's Alexander Zemlinsky Prize, sings three of Gustav Mahler's great song cycles, accompanied by pianist Russell Ryan. Hermine Haselböck began her studies at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna with Rita Streich and Hartmut Krones. She completed her studies with Ingeborg Ruß at the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold and, after graduating with artistic merit, attended master-classes with Kurt Equiluz, Kurt Widmer, Christa Ludwig, Edith Sélig-Papée, Sena Jurinac and Marjana Lipovsek. Ms. Haselböck's burgeoning career has included performances in recital and with orchestras in many European capitals, as well as in New York's Carnegie Hall. Hermine Haselböck's other Bridge CDs include Lieder by Franz Schreker with baritone Wolfgang Holzmair and pianist Russell Ryan, BRIDGE 9259); and Lieder by Alexander Zemlinsky (with pianist Florian Henschel, BRIDGE 9244).



“Here is a singer blessed with a luxurious voice accompanied by a pianist who is in perfect accord in readings that are deeply felt and lustrously rendered. If you want to hear Mahler sung by a mezzo with piano accompaniment, this is an excellent way to hear it.” - American Record Guide

“This is a distinguished collection by any standards, beautifully recorded and presented with full texts.” - International Record Review

“It’s certainly worth exploring this carefully considered, beautifully rendered non-orchestral performance of these extraordinary songs.” - Opera News

“When singing the words Ich bin ausgegangen: in stiller Nacht it sounds as if she means every word. A fine example of how excellent the singing can be is in Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! which really suits her deliberate style and clear production. I loved her tender expression in the short song Liebst du um Schönheit and the abundance of heartbreaking yearning in Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen which is so expressively sung. Dark and melancholic Nun will die Sonn' so hell aufgeh'n from the Kindertotenlieder is full of world weary expression.” - MusicWeb International



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PDF Booklet

Gustav Mahler

Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen 
(Songs of a Wayfarer)



Hermine Haselböck, mezzo-soprano
Russell Ryan, piano

