Do you Dream in Color?

$ 14.99

Composer Bruce Adolphe writes: "The first time I heard Laurie Rubin sing, I was so impressed by the beauty of her voice and her compelling artistry that I invited her to join me in a family concert about the moon for The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. After that concert, I knew that I wanted to have an ongoing musical partnership with Laurie, so I asked her if she would write a poem for me to set to music, for her to sing. I asked Laurie if she would consider writing it about her experiences as a blind person. Laurie was immediately enthusiastic and set to work. The resulting poem, Do You Dream in Color?, is both a personal memoire and a celebration of the human spirit: an emotional, probing dramatic text that explores the nature of blindness and of human perception." Laurie Rubin's remarkable debut disc includes songs sung in four languages. She sings in English, Spanish, French, accompanied by the excellent Marija Stroke, and completes her recital in Hebrew, performing with brilliant composer/pianist Noam Sivan.



“Rubin has a voice of deliriously rich coloration, a broad range, pure tone, technical acuity, and a rare sensibility of how to approach text within the context of a given style. Her communicative abilities are second to none. This is an album well worth hearing.” - Audiophile Audition

“In ‘Do you Dream in Color?’ she reveals her visual imagination is not hampered by retinal dysfunction. But in fact, it will be the deepening of her inner vision through her voice where her power as a singer-seer lies.” - Los Angeles Times



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PDF Booklet

Bruce Adolphe: Do You Dream in Color
Joaquin Rodrigo: Cantiga; muy graciosa es la doncella; Soneta; Serranilla; Barcarola; Cancion del grumete; Esta niña se lleva la flor
Gabriel Fauré : Les Berceaux; Clair de Lune; En Sourdine; Nell
Noam Sivan: In the Mountains of Jerusalem

Laurie Rubin, mezzo-soprano
Marija Stroke and Noam Sivan, piano

