Dmitri Tymoczko: Crackpot Hymnal

$ 14.99

This diverse collection of Dmitri Tymoczko's music is introduced by the composer: "These days, we can carry the whole history of music in our pockets, Beethoven, Nancarrow, Coltrane and the Beatles rubbing shoulders on our phones. What sort of music should we write? Whatever we want, of course, but for me the answer has to involve this new diversity. I want to make music that weaves between stylistic poles in a way that is unexpected and entertaining – not pastiche, but an attempt to find hidden roads connecting the familiar places we love. A music that takes up the classical disciplines of harmony, counterpoint, and development with just the slightest hint of a raised eyebrow, so that listeners are confronted with a strange superposition of sincerity and irony." Dmitri Tymoczko's "Beat Therapy" is also available on BRIDGE 9353



“I must say I was very impressed by and caught up in this album. Dmitri Tymoczko is a clever, brilliant and quite entertaining new voice whose music really defies style. I found a lot to like here and I believe if you enjoy tonal, wildly creative and consistently surprising music this could be for you!” - Audiophile Audition

“Dmitri Tymoczko brings brilliant technique and a playful wit to his art. Highly entertaining.” - Performing Arts Monterey Bay


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Dmitri Tymoczko

The Eggman Variations (2005)
Corigliano Quartet
John Blacklow, piano

Typecase Treasury (2010)
The Amernet String Quartet
Kevin Weng-Yew Mayner, bass

This Picture Seems to Move (1998)
The Amernet String Quartet

Another Fantastic Voyage (2012)
Daniel Schlosberg, piano
Illinois Modern Ensemble
Stephen Taylor, conductor


Related discs:

BRIDGE 9492, BRIDGE 9353
