Classics of American Romanticism

$ 16.99

Fry and Bristow constituted the first generation of major, native-born composers of instrumental music in the United States.  Both were fierce proponents for American music as composers, writers, and performers.  Of particular note:  Bristow's Symphony No. 4 the "Arcadian" is recorded here in its entirety for the first time.  The 1967 recording made by Karl Krueger with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra made large cuts in the first and last movements, reducing the length of the piece by at least ten minutes.


"The liner note is valuable and well written, the playing skilled and committed, Botstein’s conducting engaged and energetic all allowing this unusual repertoire to be presented in a very good light." — MusicWeb International (Nick Barnard)

"Here are two rare symphonies from the traditions of early American romanticism. They are heard here delivered with golden age verve." — MusicWeb International (Rob Barnett)

"William Henry Fry’s immediately ear-grabbing Niagara Symphony of 1854 was written for a ‘Monster Concert’ organised by that refined showman PT Barnum, but seemingly never performed until its 1999 Naxos recording. You get 12 glorious minutes of rushing arpeggios, hammered fortissimo chords, and trembling rolls of questionable tonality from four timpani players – all conceived by a pugnacious composer never afraid of tossing aside rules of good taste for the joys of the blatantly picturesque." — BBC Music Magazine

"Highly recommended to anyone curious about the origins of America’s classical music tradition." — WTJU 91.1FM

