Jazz, Pop, Spirituals and the Blues

Dmitri Tymoczko: Beat Therapy

$ 14.99

Dmitri Tymoczko was born in 1969 in Northhampton, Massachusetts, He studied music and philosophy at Harvard University, and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to do graduate work in philosophy at Oxford University. He received his Ph.D in music composition from the university of California, Berkeley. He is currently an Associate Professor at Princeton. Beat Therapy combines the sounds and rhythms of jazz with a classical sense of form and development. Ideas change and grow and return in unexpected ways, with literal repetition being rare. Though the music is largely notated, most tracks contain at least some improvisation. An exciting debut release!



“Dmitri Tymoczko brings brilliant technique and a playful wit to his art. He is a totally hands-on musician with a fearless imagination.” - Performing Arts Monterey Bay


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Loop & Swing
Katrina Stomp
Sweet Nothings
The Mysterious Stranger
Dreams May Come

Dmitri Tymoczko, composition & synth programming
Thomas Bergeron, trumpet
Jon Irabagon, alto sax
Alejandro Aviles, alto sax
Geoff Vidal, tenor sax
Rane Moore, bass clarinet
Ken Thomson, bass clarinet
William Stevens, piano
Vladimir Katz, piano
Daniel Kelly, piano
James Johnston, synth
Michael O'Brien, bass
David Skidmore, drums


Related discs:

BRIDGE 9492, BRIDGE 9383
