
Jan DeGaetani and Gilbert Kalish in Concert

$ 29.99
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To many observers, no artist has ever replaced the great mezzo-soprano, Jan DeGaetani, as an interpreter of contemporary song. Writing of her, New York Times critic Harold C. Schonberg called her "the finest song recitalist that the United States has ever produced." DeGaetani, with her magnificent duo-partner, Gilbert Kalish, concertized together for thirty-years, the partnership ending with DeGaetani's death in 1989. This two-CD set gives us one of their final recitals together, and includes the wide-ranging repertoire that these two artists were known for. In addition, never-before issued concert recordings of song cycles by Haydn and Stanley Walden fill out this tribute to DeGaetani. Gilbert Kalish, writing of this performance, states: "The concert presented on these discs took place in the midst of the leukemia that took her life. When I heard this 1987 concert and the variety of great works performed with such love, conviction, insight and beauty, I felt that it needed to be heard. Twenty years after her death, many young musicians, even singers, do not know the name or the work of Jan DeGaetani. It is my hope that these CDs will bring the art of this great musician/singer and extraordinary woman to a new generation of music lovers and young musicians."



“The breadth of DeGaetani and Kalish’s repertoire is evident. As a recital, the program proves to be even greater than the sum of its parts and will come as a welcome discovery to fans of this duo.” - Fanfare

“Those who already own Bridge’s previous recordings by the singer will certainly want to acquire this one, which will hopefully also attract a new generation of listener’s to DeGaetani’s very special art. Unreservedly recommended.” - International Record Review


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Drei Gesänge von Goethe, Op. 83
Abendlied unterm gestinirnten Himmel

Francis Poulenc
Les gars qui vont à la fête, A sa guitarre, C'est ainsi que tu es
Main dominée par le coeur

Kenneth Frazelle
Worldly Hopes (1985)

George Crumb
Three Early Songs
The Sleeper

Claude Debussy
Fêtes galantes (Series II)

Richard Strauss
Ich trage meine Minne
Ruhe, meine Seele
All mein Gedanken

George Gershwin
Our Love is Here to Stay

Stanley Walden
Three Ladies (1983)

Franz Josef Haydn
Arianna a Naxos

Jan DeGaetani, mezzo-soprano
Gilbert Kalish, piano

BRIDGE 9340A/B (two discs)

Related discs:

9253, 9127, 9087, 9048, 9046, 9025, 9023, 9017, 9006
