Garrick Ohlsson: Close Connections

$ 14.99

Titanic American pianist, Garrick Ohlsson, presents an exceptionally personal album. The pianist writes: "Each of the five pieces on this recording is a work I have been closely associated with. Two were written for me and I've played all of them frequently. Music of our time always needs advocates; it needs live performance, but it also needs a way to exist for reference beyond the printed score. Each of these five composers has given me an inestimable gift. It's time for me to give thanks, in return." Mr. Ohlsson's virtuosic performances are accompanied by his very personal written commentary on the composers, their music, and their times.



“I’d recommend this disc—possibly as Ohlsson himself intends it—primarily as a teaching tool or reference guide for quality performances of difficult music that is otherwise hard to find. Worth a listen.” - Fanfare

“Ohlsson handles both the subtle and extreme differences of dynamics and textures with aplomb. This disc gives another piece of the Ohlsson picture, of his enormous stature as a musician and an artist.” - Kuhf Houston Public Radio


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Garrick Ohlsson, piano

Louis Weingarden: Triptych (1969)
Robert Helps: Shall We Dance (1994)
Stefan Wolpe: Passacaglia (1936)
William Hibbard: Handwork (1996)
Oldřich František Korte: Sonata (1951-53)


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